Admin Juma't, 30/09/2022 Umum 626 hits
The medical record is one part of the hospital which has duties
including recording, data processing, and reporting of information
needed for activities in the hospital. The process of processing medical
records from the Assembling, Coding, Indexing, Analyzing, and Filling
sections has an effect on improving the quality of medical records in
hospitals. This study aims to find out more about the problem of the
medical record management system at the Merauke District General
Hospital and what factors support and hinder the process of managing
medical record files at the Merauke District General Hospital. The
research method used in this study is a qualitative method. The results
of the study indicate that the medical record management system at the
Merauke District General Hospital is quite good. This can be seen from
the fulfillment of management system indicators, which include input
components, process components, and output components.
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Juma't, 30/09/2022
Juma't, 30/09/2022