Admin Minggu, 01/09/2024 Umum 19 hits

Coordination is needed in the process of carrying out work in an organisation, where there is a process of regulating and combining interests that are useful in achieving common goals.  Good coordination will ultimately provide maximum work results because the entire work process in an agency can be carried out properly. One of the work processes in an agency is records management, which is one of the important aspects of office work. Records management in Merauke Regency Transportation Office has not been carried out effectively and efficiently. This can be seen from the delay in filing the letters and the lack of storage space for the archives, resulting in the amalgamation of different types of letter archives. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of coordination on archive management at the Merauke Regency Transportation Office. This research uses an associative method with a total research sample of 54 people. Data was collected through literature review and field study. The field study was conducted by direct observation and questionnaire. The results showed that there was an effect of coordination on archive management at Merauke Regency Transportation Office, so it could be concluded that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted.

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